Saturday, February 27, 2016

Story time

Once upon a time,
There were 3 girls. 
They all went on an adventure.
In this adventure they met some people along the way.
The first person they met was a toad.
The toad was shy but he treated them with kindness.
The second person they met was an unaware, disheveled little girl.
She was kind and she showed them around. 
The last people these 3 girls met were a wise old couple. 
They didn't have much to say but, you could feel the love in their heart just by being around them. 
It was a grand adventure. 


C- give me back my Childhood
R- I want to Restart 
A- so I can Aquire 
Y- my Youngevity 
O- because I don't want to be Old 
N- this is Nonsense 
S- don't go to School 
it wasn't me 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

This weekend

Windows down hair flowing in the wind 
We took some pics with the hobos 
And got some donuts from Americas favorite
All we did was pretty much that 
But I wouldn't want it any other way
Kind of like a simple kiss on your lips, a small act full of emotion and memories. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I don't get it.

Red brick, and the ant flick. 
You get the rhyme about the ant in line?
In our brick house we used to watch. 

In second grade we sometimes sang.
Brick wall, waterfall. 
Our brick school was home to our rules.

Getting old, you start to fold.
Bricks break, cinders shake. 
Time stops, a penny drops.

We will all be fine in this life and time.
Do these bricks all belong with this time that ticks?  

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The things we do for love

Drive 4 hours to see them. 

Get three hours of sleep just so you can be with them.

Do the dishes because clean is always good. 

Clorox the bathtub because they did something for you. 

Go to baseball games for support. 

Pay for dinner because you're hungry. 

Open the door for respect. 

Surprise them with fun things.

Take cute pictures to remember all the memories.

Go to work, so you can have money to pay for food.

Shower and get ready because you want to look nice for them. 
Scratch their back because it itches. 

Hold hands even if they are clammy.
Make blankets to keep your love warm.

Watch vampire diaries even if you don't want to.

Be there for them, always.

Pick them up when they're down. 

Pop their back because it makes them feel good. 

Be broke, because you paid for their love.

Be rich, because you have their love. 


I walk the halls alone, yet I'm surrounded by people
Fake smiles 
Forced laughs
Quiet battles
We've all convinced ourselves that we're alone 
We all feel like no one understands 
But if we're all alone then we are alone together
People walk down the halls and stare at their feet or the ceiling and we're lonely
But what would happen if we looked up and tried to make someone's fake smile a real smile 
What would happen if we found out what color everyone's eyes are 
What if, instead of being alone, we were alone together

Sunday, February 7, 2016


What does your hat say about you? 

What does my hat say about me? 

If you wear a cowboy hat, you must be a cowboy. 

If you wear a beanie, you must be a hoodlum. 

If you wear a baseball cap, you must be a jock. 

If you were a snap back, you must be cool. 

If you wear a top hot, you must be Abraham Lincoln. 

We may all be wearing the same hat but we are all different. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Something new

I crave for something new in my life.

I'm sick of all the old drama. 

I need new things to do.
New hobbies. 

Let's throw out the old ones. 
I yearn to feel something I've never felt before. 

All this, all I have is so old and boring. 

New looks. 

New feelings. 

New lover.

Help me find something new.